IBOC invites actors, dancers and opera singers for the audition of ASYLUM, an immersive operatic theater performance presented by International Brazilian Opera Company, with music composed by João MacDowell, conceived and directed by Regina Miranda, from an original idea by C.R. Morgan.
Inspired by “The Alienist” – a short-story written in 1881 by Brazilian author Machado de Assis – the performance portrays the life in a 19th century asylum and offers a closer look into society’s forms of control of deviations from the norm.
AUDITION: We are seeking 20+ non-union actors and dancers to play roles of patients, medical interns, nurses and attendants, encouraging proposals of performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds between the ages of 20-70, preferably with strong movement experience.
1. Patients: men and women, apparent age bet. 20-70, preferably dancers with acting experience, or actors with strong movement background
2. Medical interns: male actors, apparent age bet. 30-40
3. Sisters of Charity: opera singers, apparent age 45+, with strong acting background.
4. Attendants: actors (all genders), apparent age bet. 20-30, preferably with singing background
Sunday, June, 25th, from 11:30am to 4:30pm
Tuesday, June 27th , from 5:30pm to 8:30pm
DEMO HALL: Basement of “Our Lady of Pompeii Church” – West Village – 25 Carmine St, New York, NY 10014
If you want to audition for ASYLUM, please send an email to with “Asylum Audition” in the subject line. In the body of the email, please write:
a) Your complete name, artistic name, address, email, phone #, and one paragraph introducing yourself.
b) Preferred date for audition (June 25th or 27th)
c) Rehearsal availability (July to October)
d) Availability for the first season (November/December
IMPORTANT: Please attach a Resume no large than 2MB including one headshot and one full-body shot

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