Composition Immersion in Brazil

Posted Posted in Brazilian Opera, Brazilian Symphonic Music, Concert, contemporary opera, New Music, New Songs, Song, Songwriters

The International Brazilian Opera Institute is offering a contemporary opera composition course workshop in partnership with the Cultural Institute Casa Nobre at Guarda do Embaú, Santa Catarina. Enjoy an immersive course with access to state-of-the-art grand pianos while waking up to the sound of whale songs—a unique experience in one of Brazil’s most beautiful natural environments. […]

Seeding New Operas – Online Recital 2023

Posted Posted in Brazilian Opera, contemporary opera, New Music, New Songs, Performance Art

Over the last term, four new composers successfully completed the first stage in the opera composition workshop under mentorship by IBOC’s Artistic Director João MacDowell. The requirements for the work include: 1 – Pitching an idea for a work that can be engaging and meaningful to a contemporary opera company. 2 – Developing a dramatic […]

Florencia en el Amazonas at the Met – a review of the reviews

Posted Posted in Brazilian Opera, contemporary opera, New Music

by João MacDowell After reading the US reviews of the Met premiere of Florencia en el Amazonas, I feel compelled to write a review of the reviews. When Anglo-Saxon critics experience Latin American works, they often display their lack of knowledge about the history and context of the development of Latin American culture and the […]

Nov 28: Florencia en el Amazonas and The Seventh Seal – Recital and talk

Posted Posted in Brazilian Opera, Concert, contemporary opera, New Music

Florencia en el Amazonas and The Seventh Seal Join us for a conversation and performance of selections from Daniel Catán’s opera alongside music by João MacDowell. NOVEMBER 28, 2023 7 to 8:30 pm ETAMERICAS SOCIETY 680 Park Avenue New York Overview On November 28, the Americas Society will host this free event in person. Please register […]

Composition Immersion in Brazil

Posted Posted in Brazilian Jazz, Brazilian Opera, Brazilian Symphonic Music, Concert, contemporary opera, Indigenous music, New Music, New Songs, Performance Art, Songwriters

The International Brazilian Opera Institute offers a contemporary opera composition course workshop in partnership with the Cultural Institute Casa Nobre at Guarda do Embaú, Santa Catarina.  Enjoy an immersive course with access to state-of-the-art grand pianos while waking up to the ocean’s sound and the whales’ songs. A life-changing experience in one of the most […]


Posted Posted in African-American, Back music, Brazilian Jazz, Brazilian Opera, Concert, contemporary opera, New Music, New Songs, Party, Performance Art, Song, Songwriters, visual arts

A place for grassroots community music and storytelling, showcasing our neighborhood and curated with a global vision in partnership with the W.111th Street-based non-profits, W.111th Street Block Association, and the International Brazilian Opera Company. One Saturday a month from July to October on Amsterdam Avenue at W.111th Street, Kimera Festival embraces NYC Open Streets and is free and outdoors. Mark your calendars for July 15, August 19, September 23, and October 28. 

Photo: Athena Azevedo: André Kaires como Flagelante em "O Sétimo Selo". Ilhabela, SP. 2018.

Opera of Hope

Posted Posted in African-American, Brazilian Opera, contemporary opera, Indigenous music, New Music

Opera of Hope or Opera of the Oppressed is a practice with strategies to produce operatic events that engage the community, serve as a secular ritual of transformation, and help reframe historical conflicts of oppression. This practice derives from the educational philosophy expressed in the books: “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” and “Pedagogy of Hope” by Paulo Freire.

Ópera do Oprimido

Posted Posted in Brazilian Opera, contemporary opera, New Music, Performance Art, Uncategorized

A imaginação é a fonte da liberdade. Opera do Oprimido ou Ópera da Esperança é uma abordagem prática com estratégias para produzir eventos operísticos que têm o potencial de envolver a comunidade, servir como um ritual secular de transformação e ajudar a ressignificar conflitos culturais históricos de opressão.Essa prática é derivada diretamente da filosofia educacional de inclusão expressa nos livros: “Pedagogia do Oprimido” e “Pedagogia da Esperança” de Paulo Freire. No Brasil faz mais sentido dizer Ópera do Oprimido, por nossa relação histórica com o tema. Em países ricos surte mais efeito focar na Esperança.